• Progress Chart

    Progress Chart

    This chart shows your weight loss progress over time. It is up to you to decide how often you would like to track your weight, however most people find it is ideal to track their weight weekly.

  • Weight Tracker

    Weight Tracker

    The simple Weight Tracker boxes can be used to enter your weight and the date of your Weigh In. These dates and weights will be tracked in chart above as well as listed below. If at any point you would like to reset the weight tracker, you can do that in your Settings.

What people are saying...


"We just signed up for a month as a trial, and I do plan on purchasing the entire year at the end of the month. Everything we’ve tried so far is a winner and I love the way you utilize leftovers, or ingredients you have to buy in large quantities. I have to make adjustments because I don’t eat artificial sweeteners (so no light breads, etc.), but so far that hasn’t been a big deal. I’m even buying a slow-cooker so that I can participate in Slow Cooker Sundays I’ve already recommended your website to a few friends. Worth every penny! THANK YOU!"
