This Chicken Tortilla Soup with Corn is a healthy, freezer-friendly meal that’s packed with bold Mexican flavors! Perfect for cozy nights and easy...
Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup packed with shredded chicken, beans, and corn in a creamy tomato broth is filling and delicious.
The best spin on traditional chicken noodle soup with hearty sweet potatoes. Easy to make, healthy, and super comforting. Also packed with cold-...
The best Tortellini Soup made with ground turkey, white beans, spinach, and tomatoes. This hearty soup can be made on the stovetop, slow cooker, or...
This hearty and delicious soup is packed with lean turkey sausage, creamy white beans, spinach, and tomatoes! It's filling, nutritious, and tastes...
The most delicious crockpot cauliflower soup that's packed with vegetables, good for you, and easy to make. Super creamy, full of veggies, and freezer...
This amazing and easy Lemon Chicken Soup with Artichokes and rice can be made in the slow cooker, Instant Pot, or stovetop and tastes as good as any...
This is the most delicious Healthy Taco soup! Make it in the slow cooker, Instant Pot, or stove-top. Packed with shredded chicken, beans, and corn -...
The most delicious French Onion Soup cooked right in the crockpot. It's easy to make, packed with flavor, and makes a perfect lunch or dinner.
Find the best cozy Mexican soup recipes for classics like Pozole Verde and Tortilla Soup to authentic recipes for Albondigas, Pozole Rojo, and more.
Just 10 minutes of prep time to make this Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup packed with shredded chicken, beans, corn, and crispy tortilla strips! The...
Make the most delicious Mexican Chicken Soup with tender shredded chicken and vegetables in a rich and spicy broth. Easy to make, versatile, and...