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All inclusive Meal Planning Tools

Get delicious and healthy customizable meal plans with our stress free system.

What people are saying...

Liz Mosher

"My husband and I love most of the recipes. He has lost 20 lbs and his cholesterol is the best it’s been in years."


Download Meal Plan

You can generate a PDF file of your meal plan at any time.

Download Meal Plan Sample. Download Meal Plan
  1. Weekly Meal Plans

    Based on your preferences and servings, we provide a healthy weekly meal plan full of delicious recipes. Use that meal plan as is or make it your own by adding or replacing recipes.

  2. Track Weight & Calories

    Lose weight by tracking your weight and daily caloric intake quickly and easily. Our system tracks meals from your plan, let’s you add snacks and other items, and tracks weight loss weekly.

  3. Interactive Shopping List

    Stop wasting time and money at the grocery store. A custom shopping list is generated for your meal plan every week that includes everything you need.

  4. Custom Yield

    Stop worrying about converting recipes to fit your family size. Simply indicate how many portions you need in your preferences or plan and we’ll automatically adjust the recipes for you.

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*14-day money back guarantee applies to yearly subscriptions only.