Step 1
Mix together all the ingredients in a bowl. Consider adding Stevia, honey, maple syrup, or sugar if you want a sweeter batter. The mixture will be sticky because of the flax. If it is too thick, add more almond milk or water.
Step 2
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Once hot, spray with cooking spray (or a bit of cooking oil). Pour about 1/4 cup batter for each pancake and gently spread it out with a spoon. Let cook for 2-3 minutes per side or until edges begin to firm and bubbles begin to burst. Flip and cook on the opposite side for 2-3 minutes.
Step 3
Let cook for 2-3 minutes per side or until edges begin to firm and bubbles begin to burst. Flip and cook on the opposite side for 2-3 minutes. Top with your favorite sliced fruit, melted nut butter, syrup, or yogurt.